Saturday, November 21, 2009


Life was disappointing then, tears rolled down inconstatly trying to wash the dryness out of my life
i didnt know where to stand then, the ideas, objectives the principles blended with the non experience of a life where
the desire to get there was not strong enough.
It all came to a still, the motionless of the moments kept me there for a long while,
i wanted to make a difference, and to be highlited but the hole i stuck myself in although not confortable hold my
decitions back. I stayed quiet for a while waiting for that little shread of hope to burst and melt it over my life, the energy needed for what was then necessary.
It was easy and almost meaningless, it felt empty and with no structure, i needed a solid spot to stand on
but my legs were weak. the food for my soul was starving my brain and leaving me aimless.
My soul was getting weak of all that journey, that for my then vision was not leading me there,
to the so desired place.
I needed to focalize and reach for the answers. i needed to enventually find myself, but i wasnt lost, i was jsut uncapable of carry on, that was when i stoped and restarted.

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